Monday, June 9, 2008

Deep-Diving Dash

Move over, Phelps!

Well the Dash has started swimming lessons. He didn't seem to care much for them the first two days, but after mom bribed him with a new train, he started to participate and ended up really enjoying it. He took to it like a... umm... a... he really had a great time. -And there's one more week to go!

Oh the Agony!
Jellybean, on the other hand, became extremely upset that she was unable to participate, and let mom know in no uncertain terms. Perhaps next year, sweetheart!

Go Dash Go!!


TeamGornold said...

okay, so your kids are mini versions of the two of you. i love dash's cheeser grin in the pool. how super cute are they? so seeing you guys this last weekend was great. i really am so excited to see you for the ms bike ride. we are gonna have so much fun.
i know just how jellybean felt! remember how mad i got when dad and mom tried to let raw chicken learn to ride a bike without training wheels? i was so mad that they took the wheels off of my bike! then i learned to ride before raw chicken! ha! jellybean has got the same "go get 'em" angst that i had!

Bonnie said...

Nash has the cutest smile in the picture where he is in the water. It looks like he has a dimple. I am glad that he is enjoying the lessons. Again I wish that I could be there watching him.